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House Teams

Chiltern team Colne team Frays team Mill team

Our house teams are a long-established tradition at Whitehall Junior School with many former pupils fondly recollecting their house team and colour. We still have the original shields in school! Despite a long history of the teams themselves, the way house points operate has undoubtedly changed.  When children achieve a house point, they will receive a counter which they can put into their house jar in their classroom. Every Friday, House Captains and their deputies will collect and count the counters; these will then be placed in our house display boxes. These boxes take pride of place outside of Mrs Moloi's office and week by week we will be able to see which house is in the lead.

As well as achieving house points for classwork, homework and behaviour, children will have opportunities to gain points for their house throughout the year in special events such as: inter-house sports, fundraising and many more activities. This includes activities for teachers, who have all been assigned a house also. 

Who will win the most house points this half-term and win a special prize?

Be sure to check this page regularly to see the scores and who the leading house is!

Chiltern: 583

Colne: 756

Frays: 562

Mill: 783

House team points in collecting boxes