Year 6
Welcome Dolphins, Sharks and Whales
Hello Year 6,
We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas break and a chance to rest and spend lots of time with family.
We are very excited to be returning to school for the Spring Term in Year 6, which will be packed with interesting and engaging lessons we know that you will enjoy. We have many things to look forward to in our upcoming lessons. In English we will study and enjoy the novel, ‘Clockwork’ by Phillip Pullman and the text, ‘Gone Away’ by Lou Kuenzler. In Mathematics, we will consolidate our knowledge and understanding of mathematics and apply our mathematical skills to investigations. In science we will study ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ and ‘Living things and their habitats’ and for our history and geography learning, we will be learning about Mayan Civilisation.
Year 6 pupils are expected to complete the following homework each week:
- Read daily for at least 20 minutes and have planners signed, this includes at the weekend.
- Learn spellings that will be given on a Monday and tested on a Friday (these are listed below on this page).
- Times tables and number facts to be practised regularly at home for our weekly mental arithmetic test.
- Weekly CGP Books: assigned Grammar, Punctuation and spelling task, Comprehension task and Mathematics task (these are listed below on this page).
- Regularly use of Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
- Complete your weekly allocated Reading Plus tasks (if you do not complete your six assigned tasks whilst at school each week).
- There are also extension activities available on this page if you wish to complete them (this is optional).
All of you have been given a password for Mathletics, Reading Plus and Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed (these can be found at the front of your planner). If for any reason these are not working, please let us know and we will fix them for you.
Alongside your assigned homework, it is always useful to consolidate on your learning by completing extra activities (such as Weekend Wonders). There are some really useful websites for you to use for additional tasks on the 'useful links' page on the 'Year Group Pages' section of the website.
We are very much looking forward to our Spring Term together in Year 6!
Best wishes,
Mr Mitchell, Miss Groves and Miss Treanor