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Remote Education & Home Learning

Families, please note: Should we need to recommence with any period of remote education, we will again use Google Classroom as our platform for delivering the curriculum. The passwords and guidance for this platform have been shared with you previously. You may also like to refer to the documents further below. Please phone the school if you require any support. Also below are some suggestions for 'screen safety' for body and mind, as so many of us spend longer on devices. Finally, in addition to the 'sources of support' listed on our Parents' - Coronavirus page, Young Minds offer guidance on how to support your child's mental well-being during a global pandemic. 

Remote Education

Parents & Carers,

In the event of isolating any class or year group, we will provide remote education. This will replicate what would have been the day's learning if pupils were in school. We are able to offer this provision through the use of Google Classroom; please see the documents below for further information. Also, we would encourage you to take a read of the attached updated guidance for pupils, parents and teachers. In addition, we have produced a 'question and answer' guide to outline our current remote education provision. If your child is self-isolating but well in themselves, we will also provide remote education for them using the Google Classroom. We hope this offers you some reassurance.

The 'home learning' information which follows after our 'remote education' section was created and used during lockdown (March - July 2020). We have kept this content for two reasons. Firstly, it signposts you to many resources and sources of support which could still be useful. Secondly, in the event of any unexpected technical issues with Google Classroom, teachers could revert to their year group's home learning page (see 'red pencil' below) to set activities for remote education at home while any technical issues are resolved. We were so pleased to have had such positive feedback on home learning/remote education from our families during lockdown and we thank you for your continued support at this challenging time.

Home Learning 

  • As mentioned above, if we have to isolate a class or year group, your child's daily home learning tasks will now be set using Google Classroom. If your child is self-isolating, their remote education will also be set through Google Classroom. However, if we were to experience any unexpected technical issues with Google Classroom, we could revert to setting learning tasks using these existing pages (as we did during lockdown, March - July 2020) while any problem is resolved. In that case, the red pencil icon below would become your 'go to' for each day's learning. Select your child's year group and you are good to go. 
  • Mindful of the need to keep both our bodies and minds healthy during this difficult period, we created a page for our fitness and mindfulness links (orange pencil icon below). A healthy body and a healthy mind contains the links to PE with Joe Wicks, plus other suggestions for physical activity.
  • We are all in this together. We acknowledge that many parents/carers will be working from home while trying to manage possible periods of remote education and provide online access to all living in the home. Do what you can - you are not expected to become teachers or replicate WJS at home! Consequently, we have moved some of our suggested resources to an additional resources page (yellow pencil icon below). You can't do it all but if your child wants to do more learning and this is feasible within your home, look on this page for further ideas. Not essential but there should you want more than each day's planned lessons.
  • If other resources and services for SEND and specific pupils apply to your family (green pencil icon below), take a look at this page. If services have asked us to signpost their support to you (e.g. speech and language service), then this can be found on a page of its own. These will only apply to specific pupils so we didn't want to overwhelm you with detail if it doesn't apply.
  • As we celebrate what we achieved as we got to grips with home learning, our home learning photographs (blue pencil icon below) are contained within this one page. Remember that if you have sent in a photo, this grants permission to share online. We have celebrated both the academic and physical achievements over this time!
  • Finally, if your child learns within one of our hub classes (Ants, Coyotes, Rhinos or Hummingbirds), then take a look at the hub classes - learning activities page. Mrs Huse and her teaching team will upload suitable activities and ideas for you to try, if your child has any periods of learning from home.

Guidance aimed more specifically at parents/carers, can be found on our coronavirus page within the 'parents' menu (see link below). This particular page provides links to well-being, advice lines, emotional and community support, e-safety and local services and is a useful directory of guidance to support you at this time.