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Year 5


Welcome Eagles, Owls, Penguins and Swallows


Welcome to your new year group page!  

What an action-packed Autumn Term we will have.  We have many things to look forward to in our upcoming lessons:  in English we will study and enjoy the texts ‘Prometheus and Pandora’ and ‘Eye of the Wolf' by Daniel Pennac; in Mathematics we will consolidate our knowledge and understanding of mathematics and apply our mathematical skills to investigations; in science we will study ‘Materials and their Properties’ and for our history and geography learning, we will be learning about an ancient civilisation with the topic name 'Archaeologists'.  

We hope that you have a wonderful summer holiday.  Do not forget to complete your Summer homework which has been given to you (a copy of this can also be found below) and bring this with you on the first day of term Wednesday 4th September 2024.

It would be really helpful if you continued to practice your mathematics and reading in addition to completing the homework.  There are some really useful websites for you to do this on the 'useful links' page on the 'Year Group Pages' section of the website.

As you move into upper school, we (your teachers) have very high expectations of the behaviour we expect in our classrooms. We will all follow the school rules: ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ and model our school values: ‘Bravery, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Generosity and Excellence’ as well as always demonstrating beautiful manners. Good behaviour will be noticed, your name will be written on our recognition board and recognition time on a Friday afternoon will be filled with fun and exciting activities! Exemplary behaviour will be rewarded with a ‘Golden Ticket’ which will mean that you will be put into a raffle and have a chance of receiving a special reward with Mrs Moloi (the Headteacher).

We are very much looking forward to our first half term together in upper school!

 Best wishes,

Mr Jones, Miss Costa, Miss Hyland, Mrs Sharma and Mrs Mulvihill.