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Centenary Log Book for the year 2011

This diary will grow as the year progresses. We intend for it to give an insight into the lives of children in the 21st century, our school's one hundredth year. Each pupil in the school will have the opportunity to record the daily happenings at school and home.

Wednesday 5th January by Eaad and Kaitlin Whales' Class

Today was the first day back at school. Everyone was tired but we were excited to see our friends.

We had a whole school assembly, the part of the assembly that we enjoyed the most was when we saw the school's past log books; we were able to hear some teachers read significant events from these books. These log books date back to 1911!

This afternoon the whole of year 6 have been working on a challenge-this was to create a piece of art to commemorate our school centenary year.

We are really looking forward to the balloon launch on Friday,what a great way to start the year!

Thursday 6th January by Sharmili and Aminah Whales' Class

Today was the second day back at school.
Unfortunately the weather was not very pleasing as it was a dull, rainy day.

It was our normal day at school with all our usual lessons up until the afternoon!

Fortunately our class joined with the Dolphins to investigate a science experiment about balloons.
We found out that balloons can create static electricity that picks up pieces of paper! We also learnt about suction power and how the balloon got sucked into the cup.

Next we had an opportunity to look at a weather site to investigate wind speed and wind direction for Monday - our new balloon launch day. This was to enable us to predict the direction of where the balloons would travel when we release them. We discovered that on Monday the wind direction is travelling in a southerly direction. Therefore we predict the balloons will travel over the English channel to France.

Friday 7th January by Bryn and Harvind Whales' Class

Today started with an early assembly explaining the events of the future such as sports and the new SEAL theme. Literacy followed this which involved us creating our own poems about someone being something else for example we share wrote how our class teacher can be described as a sports car!

Next was Playtime and we had to stay indoors throughout due to the terrible weather.

In numeracy we learnt about algebra - linear equations - and word problems with a calculator.

Lunchtime came after. Fortunately, we had 20 minutes of play outside as the rain had eased.

In the afternoon we played games; the cone game. In circle time we played secret hider, and then we told our teacher about our Christmas experiences. Finally golden time

Looking forward to the balloon launch on Monday!


Monday 10th January by Rahmina and Erzen Whales' Class


Our day started cold and frosty but sunny; everyone knew that we would definitely be having the balloon launch today at 10:30am.
However, we were surprised [and maybe a little shocked!] to discover that this morning we would be starting our mock SATs. After working hard on our reading test, we had our assembly.

And then the big event; the balloon launch! The whole of the Junior and the Infants schools went on to the field, filled with excitement and anticipation. After a loud and lively countdown from 100, we all released our balloons at the same time. Everyone cheered and the sky was filled with red, the colour of Whitehall school; it looked amazing! We all went back to our classrooms to change our muddy shoes and wellies, and then went out to play.

After play we spent the rest of the morning checking our SATs papers and then went off for a well deserved lunch.


This afternoon we had science; we were doing experiments with different types of soil. We also had a special guest teacher this afternoon, Mrs Nightingale. We hope she is impressed with our knowledge!

Looking forward to another busy week at Whitehall.

Tuesday 11th January by Abdul and Abdulaziz Whales' class

Today, after registration, we had our assembly. We sang our loudest and were given lots of information about clubs that we can take part in.
When we went back to classes,we had our long writing test (we had to write a report )
and then we did our spelling test.


Next was well-deserved play time, which was the best moment of the morning! We came back and had to do another writing test;our fingers were aching!!

At lunch time we had lots of things to do; some people played football, there was a choir meeting

and some people went to monster craft club.

This afternoon, we did a timeline detailing events that have happened since the Second World War with a different teacher, Miss Marina, and we have also found out that we have some interesting and exciting trips coming up. There is a lot going on this term!

Wednesday 12th January by Rami and Lucy


Half way through the week; it was time to start on our Maths papers. First, however,it was time for assembly, taken today by Mrs Nightingale. This included the Good Book awards for pupils who have achieved and impressed their teachers this week.
Back to the Maths papers; paper A and Mental Maths today (questions are read out and we have to answer them in a short space of time) We needed to use our listening skills as well as our numeracy skills today. This is good practise for when we do our SATs in May. Some of the class left at 10.30 this morning: these were pupils who are in the school choir. They were going to have a fantastic afternoon and evening- singing at the O2 in London!

In the afternoon, the rest of us were investigating our new subject for this term; World War 2. We discussed how this topic links to the rest of our school curriculum.

Time to go home, and we are looking forward to hearing the news from the choir tomorrow.

Thursday 13th January by Emilija and Georgina Whales' Class

It was a normal start time for everyone, except for some of the choir members who arrived back at school yesterday from the O2 at 11pm!!!

The rest of us returned from assembley and went to our maths sets to compete Maths paper B, the mock SATs are nearly over!

The choir arrived at school and told us their news from the day before; the O2 was fantastic! 8000 children were singing in unison and we got the chance to show off our dance moves. The sound was incredible, Whitehall had the loudest and best voices! We had a special guest singer who entertained us with her wonderful voice. It was a great experience but we were all very tired when we returned to school.

Back to the school day; in the afternoon we all went to the ICT suite to design the front covers for our World War 2 project, To Final Victory. When we returned to the classroom, we watched a powerpoint presentation showing key events from the war. We then did partner work; we described one event using words and pictures.

Meanwhile the choir were practising for the singing assembly tomorrow morning, we can't wait to hear them!

Friday 14th January by Sam and Harriet Whales' Class

Today we had a special assembly. We usuallly have class assemblies on a Friday, but today the choir (years 5 and 6) entertained us and their parents with their singing skills. They sang a pop medley and then Becky, Laura, Niamh and Abbigail sang a Michael Jackson medley; it was great to hear them and it made us proud of their achievements at the O2.

We returned to our classes and completed our Science test, this took us up to play time. After play, we marked the test before going to lunch. At lunchtime some of us played football, the rest of us caught up with our friends.

In the afternoon, despite the overcast sky, we were able to go outside for P.E. Today we were playing tennis. After changing from P.E. we went to the Sharks' classroom to have the secret students' identities revealed to us (these students are tracked each day to see if they have gained points for behaviour and attainment). Whilst this was happening, a storm started, we would have a wet walk home from school!

Monday 17th January by Jahid and Becky Whales' Class

Today was a very wet day!

This morning we had three lessons:  Spellings, literacy and numeracy.  We had a spelling lesson as our first lesson and were learning about unstressed letters in words. In literacy our topic was arguments and discussions. During this lesson we had to find definitions of key words.  After this lesson we had an assembly taken by Mrs Nightingale which was followed by play. In maths we started to add decimal numbers and solve quite complicated word problems!

Then we had lunch. Once we came in from lunch we had science, our last materials lesson. We had to separate silly mixture of mixed materials; these materials were sugar, sand, pasta and paperclips.  We managed it and worked well as a group to select the correct scientific techniques!
Then it was hometime!

Tuesday 18th January by Rohan and Abbigail Whales' class

After today's singing assembly we had PSHE; we performed short drama pieces based on our knowledge of charity issues.

Next we had our literacy lesson where we continued learning about argument and discussion texts.

The weather was fine today so we had outdoor play and soon returned to our maths sets. We learnt about multi-step word problems; it was great fun and we all worked well in our little teams! We also used the chunking method for division; this is an alternative to long division and it can be difficult to understand at first but we are getting the hang of it!

Following lunch we continued with 'To Final Victory'; we learnt the reasons for, and causes of, the First World War. To test our knowledge we did a quiz- as a result of our excellent scores the whole class earned a prize!

For the last part of the afternoon we had P.E. In this lesson we explored the theme of conflict through dance. We danced to a piece of music from the musical West Side Story using team work to dance at different levels (for example, on the floor, and lifting each other).

The end of the day came more quickly than expected after a long, busy and enjoyable afternoon!

Wednesday 19th January by Brook and Megan Whales' Class

Today was Good Book assembly; we were all told that Harvind's balloon landed in a place near Norwich (about 140 miles away). It will be interesting to find out where the next one ends up.

After the assembly we had a french lesson (Bonjour!). We learnt about the different food that french people eat. It is enjoyable to learn about the french way of living and increase our french vocabulary.

In literacy we learnt about discussion texts in the form of a newspaper article (concerning the proposed expansion of the Whitehall schools.)

After play was numeracy; we investigated word problems using the inverse operations to check if our answers were correct.

Following lunch, we teamed up with the Dolphins to work on our Power of Reading topic. We are reading the book Floodland. Our main character ,Zoe, was in trouble. To help her we wrote a letter outlining her options from our point of view.

To finish off our day, we coutinued our wartime topic. We presented the causes of the war using text, pictures and brain-storming.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to our special centenary themed lunch. YUM! YUM!!

Thursday 20th January by Sadiyah and Aqib Whales' Class

Today we had an assembly delivered by Peter, a visitor's assembly, about peer pressure and consequences.

After this we continued with some display work-World War II timeline. In Literacy we looked at Conditional verbs (modal verbs). We had fun with them and created the end of some conditional sentences.

In Numeracy, we had an extension lesson about using algebra in graphs. It was confusing at first but then we got the hang of it and it was quite easy.

Following lunch we continued our creative curriculm topic-'To Final Victory'. We split into three groups and each learnt a bit about Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlan and Winston Churchill. We then taught each other what we learnt. After we wrote a factfile about one of them of our choice.

It was a long and great day!

Friday 21st January by Jack, Rohit and Marlon

Today in the morning we had spellings. Luckily we got 10/10. Horray. About 9 o'clock we had a
class assembly to watch - it was really good. In maths we did a test to see what level we got. we also did some algebra. hard.

Tennis is what we did in out door P.E. today, its hard to handle a raquet, especially with really cold fingers, it has been bitter cold today! To improve our skills we kept hitting the ball against the wall to improve our accuracy.

Today's entry in the log is the last for the Whales' Class we will now be passing it onto the Sharks' class.  We hope you have enjoyed our entries over the past couple of weeks!

As of this week the Sharks were able to take over the log and with lots of trips coming up we'll have lots to talk about!

Monday 24th January by Amin and Najyah,
Today was the start of parent meetings. It was quite hard to get set up, but we managed to get ready. In assembly Mrs. Nightingale told us what exactly was happening in school.
After assembly we were learning about argument and discussion texts in literacy. We spent time looking at forming arguments about the school expansion. Basically we were counter arguing about the expansion.
Later in the afternoon we started off our new topic on light and sound. We were mostly looking at sound. Near 3:15 we had questions that Miss Huse had to answer. She answered about 4 questions.
Today was an okay day.
Tuesday 25th January by Ross and Victoria
Today in Literacy, we continued to look at argument and discussions to argue our point of views. Some of us got to give our speeches to the class e.g. Zahid shared his opinions about the pond being removed and that the newts (which jumped on his face) would loose out. My opinion is that the Whitehall Junior school expansion should NOT  go ahead as the year 6’s will be disturbed during their very important SATS week as the builders will be making a lot of noise with the cement machines!
 In maths today we did some division and prime numbers up to 100 to recap our learning, we also did some multiplying with different methods.
Later we worked on our new topic called ‘To Final Victory’ which is about World War 2 and learnt where the countries were on the map we got given to colour in 3 different colours to label all of the allies, axis and all of the neutral countries fighting in the second world war.
Today was an amazing day and very busy too!

Wednesday 26th January by Jake and Savannah
Today, we had a normal morning, with assembly, literacy, break time, but instead of maths we did our ‘To Final Victory’ lesson. In that lesson we learnt about airplanes in world war 2 (WW2) and about how many German planes were bombed during the infamous battle of Britain.

For the afternoon, we went to RAF camp. We looked at different types of planes. Also, we watched a movie about WW2 and what people did back then. There were fascinating artifacts like: medals, clothes, and the map that showed where troops were. We walked back from the RAF camp to Whitehall Junior School. Our legs hurt and we were very tired. We needed more energy to last the rest of the day! When we got back to school it was 3:20 and we were able to hand out letters and get our bags and books ready to get home. Today was really fun and we had a very good time. We ended the day with a smile on our faces.
Also some of us had to go to netball and football, but we had a good time in the clubs.

Thursday 27th January by Shrai and Melisha
Today, it was an average day, but instead of having Mr Sheppard in the morning, we had Mrs Justice Parr. In literacy we started to write our discussion text about the schools proposed expansion ; it was really challenging. After literacy we had our break time (which was really fun). Before very long we had our maths lesson in which we revised our knowledge on prime factors. As time went we started lunch time, where we got an hour to play and eat. J
In the afternoon we got Mr Sheppard back!!
We have been reading a book called Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick; a girl called Zoe was stranded on an island with some people called Dooby, Spat and Munchkin. The island is called eels. We were asked to come up with our own island ( such as piranha’s and hippo’s) and what we would do to survive. In addition to this we designed our own logo, badge and even a map. Later on, in the afternoon, we went to the ICT suite to sit our science test on fronter; it was a competition between the classes in Yr 6 (Whales, Dolphins and Sharks). We were also revising for our SAT’s on KS2 BBC bitesize which also helped a lot in our science test J
Then it was time to go home!

Friday 28th January by Kane and Katie
Today we had spellings, some of us got 10 out of 10 and…some didn’t. It was also the last day for parents evening. In literacy we did the rest of our expansion discussion texts, followed by an ordinary playtime. Then came a normal numeracy lesson, that seemed quite long (as it always is)! Finally lunch came and we all had fun.
In the afternoon we did p.e on the field and played football, Frisbee, tennis and other sport games. After that we played ‘if that’s the answer’ we made very funny questions, e.g. the answer was ‘a hat of cold sausages’ we said the question was what waitrose served?’ Then we were told the secret student before finally heading HOME for the weekend!

Monday 31st January by Liam and Bethany
Today we started our cooking lessons: we made a lovely French country soup. When we were making the soup the first thing we did was go over the rules of how we needed to act in the cooking room. Quickly and efficiently then we cut up the vegetables such as eye-watering onions, leeks, potatoes, garlic and carrots. After we finished cutting the vegetables we put it in the saucepan we listened to Mr Sheppard reading ‘A boy in a Girls Bathroom. We then went back to class to get ready to go home hooray!
Tuesday 1st February by Daniel and Meryem
Today, was our second day at our cooking lessons. We prepared the bread to eat with our soup. This bread was made out of brown flour, honey, dried yeast (to help it rise) and hot water. Then we molded them into balls and left them to rise for 3hours.Finally after lunch we got the great delight of trying our French dishes. But at the beginning of the day we read a bit more of the book we’re reading, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom’, at the moment we are really enjoying it. Tomorrow we will be making Shepherd’s pie (not Mr Sheppard’s Pie as he says it). We are really looking forward to it. So we finished the day with a lovely treat. HOORAY!!! J

Wednesday 2nd February by Megan and Zahid

Today in the morning we had to do ,there was a 9 letter box on the whiteboard we needed to make as many words as we could. Last year the Sharks made a 6 letter word which was the best word last year as Mr Sheppard said.
In Literacy we carried on reading ‘There’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom’ .
In Mrs. Upfields set we were revising shapes on the interactive whiteboard and near the end of the lesson we did nets for shaping I never heard of like a dekoheagron.
After lunch we done some cooking and made Shepherd’s pie, when we tried it, I liked it. I had 3 slices but for my first slice I burned my taste buds.

Thursday 3rd February by Niamh and Laine

Today in the morning we had assembly and shortly after that, Miss Costa went through a safety check on the HMS Belfast trip.
Then we had literacy we read another 3 chapters of ‘There’s a boy in the girls bathroom’. Afterwards we did the description of Bradley as a half a monster and a half boy. Our drawings tried to capture the good and bad sides of Bradley!
In the afternoon we went in to aqua and made our chocolate strudel; it took a lot of concentration and skill. It was delicious and tasty after that we read two more chapters of ‘There is a boy in the girl’s bathroom’. Shortly after that we started getting ready for home time. It was an extraordinary day!

Friday 4th February by Rowan and Ashleigh
Today, we went to the HMS Belfast. We left at around 9:00 o clock in the morning and made our way down to Uxbridge station. It took about 1hour and 30 minutes to get to London and another 20-30 minutes to get to the ship itself.
The ship was huge and had lots of ladders and steps around the ship because there where many decks. The main points of the ship were the engine room, the shell room and the captain’s room. We had lunch at around midday and then had to chance to win some table points for our table! We had to count the number of shells, find where the guns were pointing and find an interesting fact.
We left around 2:00pm and after a long train ride got back to school at got back at 4:30.All in all a very busy week!

Monday 7th February by Jonathon and Ebony
Today we read more of our school book; ‘There is a boy in the girls bathroom’.
Soon it came to doing our literacy lesson, and our teacher asked us to write a diary entry based on the part of the book where Carla (Bradley Chalkers councilor) kissed him on the cheek, so we had to write a diary entry on how he felt when she kissed him; and how his day was.
In the afternoon we were taught how to make 3d houses for the schools centenary year by Miss Carney. Some of us were working on the main house features e.g. roof, walls, door, fences to help us build this house. Some of us were working on an old postbox from the 1920- 1930s. To create the postbox we firstly covered it in paper mashie.
Then we were asked to cover it in plain paper so that we could paint it red.
Also in the afternoon some of the year 6s and year 5s went on a cross country competition. Girls had to run 1800 meters, the boys had to do 2000 meters, after the race we found out where Whitehall came in the race, we came 5th place!
Tuesday 8th February by Hitesh and Bilal
Today in literacy Mr Sheppard read ‘There’s a Boy In The Girl’s Bathroom’ by Louis Sachar to us for the whole hour (as we were really enjoying it)! This was followed by break time. We had our normal numeracy followed by our normal hour of lunch. After lunch a female dentist came into our classroom to talk about teeth and to make us aware about what foods contain a lot of sugar and the effects of plaque (caused by sugar) will have on our teeth. She also told us how to brush our teeth. She showed us large models of teeth .
Finally we practiced our class assembly. This was when we learnt what our lines were.
Tomorrow we are due to travel to the Beck Theatre by bus to see Private Peaceful , the play. Most of us are looking forward to it.
Wednesday 9th February by Reece and Ridwhan
Today we went to Beck Theatre and watched Private Peaceful. Firstly we made sure we all had pack lunches and went to the toilet. After we left at about 10:00 and got on the 427 bus. When we got to the theatre we took our seats and waited for the performance to start. Then the lights were turned off and the spotlight was turned on, the character’s name was Private Tommo Peaceful. The performance had some sad parts, funny parts and some happy parts.
Once the performance was over we had another toilet break and we had our lunch in a park outside the theatre. Finally we waited at the bus stop  to arrive. Eventually the bus arrived and we got on to the double Decker and we went back to the school for a short practice of our school assembly, then home! It was a sad day as tomorrow the Dolphins would take over our log!

Thursday 10th February 2011 – Matthew and Adesewa
Today we cooked Sheppard’s pie and later in the day we met a man from the Uxbridge Lido and he talked to us about the swimming pool in the 1930s. He told us very interesting facts like it was the last 12-sided pool in the country and during the war, people covered the pool with leaves, twigs and branches to camouflage it so no bombs ever hit the pool, lucky enough they didn’t. After he talked to us we went to the cookery room and ate our Shepherd’s pie with the man who talked to us. The pies were fantastic and we thought we did a very good job. Then we went back to our class and got ready for home-time.
Friday 11th February 2011 – Shannon and David
Today we started literacy at 10:00 we were reading there’s a boy in the girls bathroom. On Fridays year 6 get 10 minutes extra play so we went out at 10:50. After play it was numeracy and we all went to our sets. Then we went for lunch. Due to the weather it was wet play. After lunch we did our class cooking which was German pear and chocolate strudels.
Monday 14th February 2011 – Kieran and Alejandra
Today we started practising our class assembly. We started by choosing our part and researching about the 1930s. Groups started to decide the part they were going to say. Also deciding who’s going to do what and the things they need to do. Then we listened to the song we were going sing we all liked it started to sing it straight away. The assembly is going to be amazing!        
Tuesday 15th February 2011 – Brandon and Sadika
Today we did full rehearsal of our last class assembly in year 6. We got all our props ready. There were mistakes because it was the first time we did it as a whole class. The song that we did was somewhere over the rainbow, we knew some of the words but we needed to work on it more. We hope that the assembly is going to be fantastic.
Wednesday 16th February 2011 (Sunny and Jazzmin)
Today we practiced our class assembly and we managed to remember all of our lines
When it came to the song we were a bit rusty and forgot some of the actions. After running through the assembly twice we returned to the classroom and began star writer. We had to write about the play Private Peaceful in any form such as poem, diary, and newspaper and so on. It was a very eventful day as we were all trying to win the star writers cup. Everyone was so excited as tomorrow was the dress rehearsal our, our last rehearsal before the assembly.
Thursday 17th February 2011 (Hassan and Nathan)
Today Mrs Carney came in and did a bit of art. Our challenge was to make a house from the 1930s to the 1940s. At first it seemed really difficult. It took a whole day to make it. The materials we used were: card, paper, paint and glue. The house was big and it had a man selling newspapers out front and telling people about the war. It turned out better than we expected and it will be going up in the hall.  
Friday 18th February 2011 (Arifa and Halimah)
Today was a highlight on everyone’s day because it was our last class assembly as the Dolphins Class we had to enjoy it because we knew it would be amazing. As everyone was present, that day we all had a great time. We put so much effort in our class assembly we all had to have a good time. In the afternoon we had a KNEX competition where we had to make a Motorbike. It was really hard but it was really fun at the same time. Our group’s Motorbike looked nothing like one; it was a rectangular shape with wheels, and Arifa thought it looked like a wheel barrow! Halimah thought it was better than nothing while Sadika thought the same. Nathan and Abdulwahab’s Motorbike looked exactly like one and better than ours because it had extra features. As well as that David and Hassan’s motorbike was really good too, these two pairs were the best in our whole class, however Harrison, Sanjana and Harveet’s motorbike was really creative; it even had a person sitting on it. Friday was a really memorable day for everybody in our class. We all still have something else to look forward to and that is the YEAR 6 production. We hope we can do even better in the year 6 production than we did in our class assembly with the whole year group. But our entertainment still isn’t over as it’s the Whales class assembly in three weeks time.
Tuesday 1st March (Shannon)
1st day back from half term we were ready to start learning and all excited to see our friends. Literacy and numeracy were as normal, but literacy was a lot more exciting because we started to neatly finish our persuasive brochures. In the afternoon we had an amazing art lesson about the blitz. It was really cool because we learnt how the houses looked in world war 2.We also looked at a vanishing point and included it in our drawings. Interestingly they all came out brilliantly.XX
Wednesday 2nd March (Hayley and Harrison)
For literacy we were finishing our brochures, but we couldn’t manage to do it. We still needed to publish our work. After lunch, Ken Pearce; someone who lived through the Blitz, it was very interesting as he told us many flabbergasting facts; like when a bomb hit the Greenway and killed a whole family. When we got back to class we had to write a diary entry as a child going to school in the Blitz. Today was very interesting.
Thursday 3rd March (Kaiya and Najla)
As we were lining up after lunch, Mr Sheppard came out with Miss Wray and Mrs JP and all of a sudden he shouted at his class to line up straight as well as that he told his class to pick up everything off their pegs and put them on their desks. Then we went into class and put our things from our pegs and put it on our desks. After that Miss Wray told us that we were doing the register differently we did numbers instead of our names. Then we went on our way to the train station and Mr Sheppard said “now we are going to a place were there are people going out of their way to come and look after you children and if you are not picked you are coming back with me and I am sure that you will not enjoy that because that’s where the bombing is happening” so then we went to the building with the adults in there. Then they went round and asked questions then if you were picked you would sit down then when everybody got picked. It was all very scary as at first we didn’t know what was happening. Mrs JP then said now you know what it was like in WW2!!
Friday 3rd March (Jazzmin)
Final day at school and everyone was tired after a long week of hard work. Luckily we had P.E so everyone had to wake up for that. Before we had P.E that afternoon we had an amazing talk from a Jewish Rabbi He talked to us about how Jews lived in WW2 and how horrible it would have been to be a Jew at that time. He also talked to us about all the different types of Jews (it was really interesting because there are so many different types of Jews). After that fantastic talk we went outside for P.E and played rounders with Mr Sheppard’s class luckily he didn’t win it was a draw between both classes you don’t know how happy dolphins were Mr Sheppard couldn’t show off anymore but now we can! We had a brilliant day and would like to beat or draw with Mr Sheppards class again. Xxxxx
Monday 7th March (Sanjana and Harveet)
Today was a beautiful sunny day and it looked as if spring had finally arrived in England. In the afternoon we had a science lesson during this lesson we learnt about light sources and we were discussing about where light comes from. We did many different experiments about light. Meanwhile, some of the children in year 6 were at their extra literacy set, this is to boost their literacy skills and gain a level 5. The people in the class had to write a set if instructions on how to gain a level 5 in a writing test or, we were allowed to write a set of instructions on how to write a good set of instructions. After school some of the children in years 5 and 6 went to their athletics club. We warmed up by trying to chase each others shadows then Miss Wray taught us how to throw a shot and throw a discus. After this lesson all the children were very tired and at 4.30 pm the children went home. This was a beautiful day.
Tuesday 8th March (Kamran and Kieran)
Today we wrote our own lyrics to create a song from WW2. Firstly we had to hear two different songs, one was a fast , joyful song and the other one was a slow and sad song. Writing the lyrics was fun. After that we were supposed to do indoor P.E. however it was very sunny so we played rounders outside.
Wednesday 9th March (Abdulwahab and Toby)
On Wednesday morning we watched the Happy Prince play in the hall which was fantastic and exciting. Next it was play time. After that, we decided on our One world week activities. Then it was lunch time. After lunch, we made music for our song lyrics! We did it with Mrs Justice Parr and Mrs Lakshmanan. This took place in the studio. All the instruments that we were allowed to use were: pianos, key boards, drums, tambourines, xylophones, guitars and many more. After that, we went back to class and we did some work on our place mats for the meal for the Year 7 teachers. Soon after, we got our things together and got ready to go home.
Thursday 10th March (Hayley and Malak)
 Firstly after lunch, we finished off our future me letters (letters written to our future selves when we are thirty) we then published them and sealed them with strong blue paint which we made our own design on. It was very successful. Afterwards we went to the ICT suite to improve our literacy and numeracy skills, it was a very enjoyable day!
Friday 11th March (Harveet and Brianne)
It was another nice day and we all went outside to do cricket and rounders for PE.
In cricket we did our warm up and after that we practised our catching skills. After that we got in pairs, and we played cricket, while the rest of the class played a very fun game of rounders with the whole year group. In the afternoon we gave Kieran a big card that we had all made and sang him a sing because he was leaving. We were all sad to see him go. Next week the Penguins class will be taking over from us!

Monday 14th March 2011
Dear Log,
Today we got to school and opened our early morning work book. Then we had our Literacy lesson where we made a diary entry about a character from the story Grandpa Chatterji. Then in Miss Slocombe’s Numeracy set we went to the ICT Suite to play fraction games and then after half an hour we played games of our choice, in Miss Kumar’s Numeracy set we used RUCSAC to help us answer word problems on a sheet. Then in the afternoon we went to the hall and showed the Year 5s our International Evening dance, and then we practiced our dance in the hall by ourselves. Then Miss Kumar read out the letters that we were given .After that we read by ourselves and then read to our partners on our table. Finally we went home to relax after a hard days work.
By Adam & Elissia   5P

Tuesday 15th March 2011
Dear log,
Today we lied up and we went to the class room and then we went swimming but before that we got on the coach and then went and dressed. And we went in the swimming pool and we had R.E from 30 mins and we had play time.
 And it was very good for 30 mins then it was Maths.
Then it was lunch we had our lunch and started playing.
It was the end of lunch and we did English then had and a trip reminder.
That’s the end of the day
By Grace and Lana
Wednesday 16th March 2011
Today was a special day,
We went on a super trip witch was the IMAX theatre but we actually watched a cinema space movie!!!
Whoever we had a look around and did you know that fashion can always be fashion by dying the dress.
Any how the film was very fabulous
By Renad Bajri

Thursday 17th March 2011
Dear log,
Today we came into school, firstly we went into the cloakroom to hang up our coats and bags, when we had finished in the cloakroom we went upstairs to our classroom.
Our early morning work was about what we had learnt at the IMAX theatre.
After we had done the register and our early morning work we went to assembly, Peter came in and told us about st. Patricks day, when he had finished telling us the story of st. Patricks day we sung two songs one was living and learning and the other was the red nose day song.
After assembly we came back to our classroom and done RE, in RE we done our presentations about who inspires us.
We did literacy after RE, in literacy we started our stories from other cultures.
In numeracy we went to the ict and done some maths games.
               By Elena Jerome and Yaseen
Friday 18th March 2011
Dear log,
Today was Red nose day so we came into class wearing red. Not all of us did but if wanted to you had to bring in 50p.
First we had early work which was write about our favourite book. But then we had to go down for a class assembly.
The assembly was really good and it was about the 1950s by the Tigers class. They were comparing the 1950s to 2011. They had 3 songs and 3 dances. Really good information was told and we enjoyed it a lot.
By Priyanka Juttla and Rahma Duale
Monday 21st March
Dear log
Yesterday in Literacy we were introduced to Fiji. We looked at the Flag and learnt some facts about Fiji. In assembly Mrs Hues talk about one world week.
By Rosa Beishon and Amit Kumar
Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Dear log
Today we want to swimming at 9:00am it was really fun.In numeracy we painted a picture of something Fiji like fish,flowers and some trees.
By Lauren Gait and Farah Matar
Wednesday 23 March 2011
Dear log,
We went down to assembly, and then the whole class sang the national anthem.
After we measured the height of a rugby player.
We had break then had a rugby match against the eagles.
We had lunch then interviewed Miss Kumar’s dad. We went down to the p.e and did Irish dancing
By Matthew.H and Claude.T
 Thursday 24 March 2011
Dear Log
Today we had are three One World activities here are some of them: Irish Dancing, Cricket, Pottery, Cooking and Stick Dancing. When we came back from the activities Miss Kumar told us to write the things we liked about the activities we did.
By Esme and Bryant
Friday 25th March 2011
Dear log book,
Today we talked about our ONE WORLD WEEK where we discussed our paintings and sculptures for our Country’s or Islands that we had learn about in the past times of the week.
It was fun learning about other people’s Country’s or Island’s and the art work they had created. Also we saw some people earn there badges for gymnastics.
It was a fun assembly and our singing was good aswell.
By Isbah and Ashvin.
Monday 28th March 2011
Dear log book,
This morning we disgust spellings and wrote the definitions on a paper, getting the words from a dictionary.
Then we practiced the national anthem in the Eagles class and got really good at it!
In numeracy the teacher gave us lots of questions to see what we could do on our own.
At lunch some boys went to the Eagles again to do the Haka for a dance on International evening and we also had to learn the words which are Maori.
Then in the afternoon we done Irish dancing and some people done the haka and some people did a Scottish colonial dance.
By Curtis and Jeanie !!!! 5p *
Tuesday 29th march 2011.
Dear diary,
Today we all went swimming, some of us did life- saving. Then we came back and we learnt the National Anthem and had playtime. After we went to the hall to practise dancing, for international evening.
Than we all had lunch. In the afternoon we practised the National Anthem again and are now writing this diary entry. We will be practising our dance again. Its so fun!!!
    By Kara and Esma!!!!!
Wednesday 30th March 2011
Dear Log,
 In the morning, we had a trip to UxbridgeHigh School to watch their performance on Beauty and the Beast. We only got to watch the first part of
it and there was good acting.
After we had play time ,we went to the hall to practise the dance for International Evening.
After lunch we went to the hall to practice our dance again but just for 15 minutes. Then we went back to class to practice Dancing in the street.
            By Mariela and Elena G
 Thursday 31st March 2011
Dear Log,
In the morning, we did a full dress rehearsal for international evening. The first dance was the Circassian Circle Dance.4 people from the owl’s eagles and the penguin’s. Next was the penguin’s doing Celtic themed Irish dance. After that 12 year 5’s did a new zeland Haka dance. Then 5’owls will sing the Botany Bay sea song written in 1800’s.
It was a tiring afternoon and morning, we worked hard on. After all, we needed to get to our height order. Finally it was home time it was a delight to be at school.
BY:Rana and Dylan
Friday 1st April
Dear Log
This morning we were all watching the lions class assembly .They were showing us what it was like In the 1960’s.We learnt many things from the lions, It was an assembly that we couldn’t forget.

Monday 4th April

Dear Log

Today in Numeracy Samir and I filled up the glue pots with new glue because they were low on glue. It was a very messy job! We needed lots of paper towels to keep the table tidy.

By: Lillie-Rose

Tuesday 5th April

Dear Log

Today Miss Slocombe showed us an email from an ex-pupil that used to come to Whitehall Junior School in the 1970s called Christina. Christina really liked school at Whitehall Junior School. Her old class room was the current Tiger's classroom. We are hoping she will come and visit us some time soon. Christina told us about some big events that were going on whilst she attended Whitehall. Such as the making of Star Wars, Decimal Currency change and the biggest of all, meeting Sir Henry Cooper. Christina told us she went to a school disco when she was at Whitehall, and she mentioned how the outfits the girls wore had lots of sequines and looked very cool . We emailed back some very interesting questions that the class wanted to find out! We can't wait to hear the answers. We will write an update with the most interesting answers.

By: Lillie-Rose

Wednesday 6th April

Dear log,

Wednesday and Tuesday we practised our international evening crazily. We were dancing and singing every minute of the day. We sung The National Anthem and Dancing in the Street. All of the school will be performing different songs and Dances.  But our class will be performing Botany Bay, an old song written about the British convicts. That were sent to Australia for small crimes.
We enjoyed learning it and singing it!

By: Samir

Thursday 7th April 2011

Dear log, today is our last day of Spring Term and we get a two week holiday to celebrate Easter (if we are Christian). Every year we have an Easter assembly and this year it was today. There was a few people who voulunteered to act the Easter Story. After the story was over Mrs Nightingale (head teacher) announced the results from the balloon launch which happened earlier this February but unfortunately my balloon was not found.  

By: Codie

Monday 11th April

Dear log,

Today at lunch time everyone appreciated what I did. I bought in my new ball. Everyone was shouting "WOW nice ball Tom!!!". After I showed everybody my new ball we started to play volleyball and that was great fun, my team won 7-6, such a close score! After that we played passing and shooting that's another version of football, that was fun too. The thing that was bad was the weather because it was really cold and windy. Then we went into the hall to have lunch, I sat with my best friend Alfie. But overall the weather didn't ruin the lunch, we had great fun.

By: Tom B

Tuesday 12th April

Dear log,

Today I went to Uxbridge Swimming Pool for our weekly swimming lesson. First we had to bring our swimming clothes. Mr Mitchell was taking the register. After that we took the dinner register. Suddenly, as quick as a flash,   the class 5E came into the 5O classroom! So Mr Mitchell started to take the swimming register. We went outside and jumped onto the coach that takes us to the Swimming Pool! When we get there we checked in, then went to the changing rooms. The boys and girls go in sepperate rooms to get changed. After that we meet in the swimming pool, then meet with our group teacher. The groups we can be in are called Beginner, Beginner+, Improver, Advanced. As I got into the pool the water felt like blistering ice bergs but once you are in for a while you get used to it. We had an enjoyable lesson.

By: Minhaz

Wednesday 13th April

Dear log,

Today I thought I would be doing numeracy like I do every day but when we were just about to start Mrs Peverill came and took us to do a french lesson with a special woman that came in to teach French to the Whitehall Junior School children. But before we began our French lesson we had to go and get Brooke and Tom B from the studio. We went to the room where we were going to do our French lesson. It was all about bread and cakes. We had to be a shop keeper and do it in front of everyone! But when we were doing it we had to only speak in French! Mrs Ballay taught us our lesson! It was very fun!

By: Lucy

Thursday 14th April 2011

Dear log,

Yesterday I went to Mosque. It is for 1 hour, all we do is sit and read. When you think you're ready you go to the teacher and read to him/her. If you get it right you go to the next one. If you get it wrong you have to go back your seat. If you need help you can go to the teacher or you can go to the person next to you. Boys and girls are seperate. After I went home, did some reading and then went to bed!

By: Faisal

Friday 15th April 2011

Dear log,

In literacy in the last few days we have been learning about Romeo and Juliet, it is pretty fun learning about Romeo and Juliet. Yesterday we did partner drama work. I interveiwed my partner and my partner interveiwed me. We pretended to be Romeo or Juliet, we had lots of fun today because everyone made their act funny. After we finished acting we had to vote for the most dramatic Romeo and Juliet. The most dramatic Romeo was Samir, but there was no dramatic Juliet because there was a tie break between me, Alfie and Leon. Luckily today is so there is no school for 2 days!

By: Nafiul

Monday 18th April 2011

Dear log,

On the weekend, on Saturday, my mum announced that I could have a party. It was going to be the biggest most smashing party ever. Mum said I could invite all my friends and family, 'EVERYONE' my mum said. I text Vishali on my mum's phone to tell her the good news!

By: Willylise

Tuesday 19th April 2011

 Dear log,

This morning year 5 went to swimming again, we have 2 groups and the first group is the Owls and half of the Eagles. Also the Penguins and the other half of the Eagles go with the second group. We usually go by coach to get to Uxbridge Swimming Pool. By the time we get there we quickly get changed and go to different groups. I'm in improvers, and there is also beginners and beginners plus, we usually do back-stroke, breast-stroke and front crowl. We get half an hour for our lesson, then we get changed back into our uniform. After that we come back in the coach.

by: Maria

Wednesday 20th April 2011

Dear log,

Today we watched a DVD of Romeo and Juliet it was very good and had a lot of old English like: thou, thee, nay, aye etc........! Out of 5 I would rate it 3, honestly, it was good though. Everyone's favourite part was when Romeo started dancing happily (by the way it's a cartoon).

By: Alfie

Thursday 21st April 2011

Dear log,

P.E was fun, I got to play football today and some people played tennis too. Then we moved into our history lesson. We saw some pictures from 1916 on sports day, they wore different clothing from what we wear today.

By: Tom C

Friday 22nd April 2011

Dear log,
Today it's Friday, the best day of the week. We have not had golden time yet, I am doing this just before circle time. Today the weather has been raining all morning, but this afternoon it brightened up a lot. I wouldnt describe it as hot though. I can't wait for tomorrow because it is Saturday, the day we don't have school! Im really looking forword to golden time to play with my friends. Circle time now. Bye!

By: Lauren

Monday 25th April 2011

Dear log,
I have chosen to write about playtime. Today I played with my mates. We talked about an exciting new game that came out on the xbox. All we talked about was the game.

by: Harry

Tuesday 26th April 2011

Dear log,

Today we went swimming! It was so fun. We got to do stuff like back stroke with a float, and swimming on our front. I love swimming. When we were doing back stroke the water kept on going in my mouth it was horrible! I liked jumping then doing a dive then swimming. Then I came out and had a shower. I hope tomorrow is as enjoyable as today was! Home time now. Bye!

By: Seifedden

Wednesday 27th April 2011

Dear log,

Our class had a street dance lesson this week. I felt proud proud of myself because I tried my hardest!

By: Ethan

Thursday 28th April 2011

Dear log,

Today we had an assembly, this morning at 9.00am . It was with Miss Justice-Parr. It was a singing assembly. We sang three songs they were: Raise your voice, Believe, and Living and Learning.  I love singing because it's fun and when I'm upset I sing and I forget what happened to me. I also go to choir and that means that I truely love to make the school proud. What I meen is that people ask us to come to: a posh hotel, Hillingdon Hospital, sing at the Christmas Bazaar, and the biggest of all the O2!

By: Vishali

Monday 2nd May

Dear log,

At lunch I did some drawing and writing, and I coloured in a picture of a scarecrow. Oh I loved doing that because I am an artist. When it comes to art I become a winner artist. My art is genious.

By: Shekina

Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Dear Log,

Today we went to Uxbridge Swimming Pool for our fantastic swimming lesson. I am in the beginners plus group. I really enjoy my swimming lessons especially with our lovely teacher. After the swimming lesson I got changed and headed back to school in the coach with all my other friends.

By: Leon

Wednesday 4th May 2011

Dear log,

It was a lovely day and in the morning we did our second science test of the week. I thought it was ok but I got stuck on some questions but I eventually managed to finish. After the science test the fun finally began. In the afternoon we practised our class assembly all about the 1970s.  I had a special part in it of playing part of the Jackson 5 with my fellow mates Samir, Seif, Nafiul and Amin. I think our assembly is going to be very succesful.

By: Wasif.

Thursday 5th May 2011

Dear Log,

Today Leon and I found three ladybirds, one of them kept on crawling on the grass, I held on but it flew off. Leon's one liked him and stayed on his hand. After a while Leon put it on some grass. Then we saw an amazing sight, a ladybird sunbathing! When we let the ladybirds go we started talking about snakes, mostly pythons. Leon said their faces are cute and he likes their black eyes. My personal choice of favourite snake is a king cobra.

By: Jack

Friday 6th May 2011

Dear Log,

Today we had our class assembly about the 1970s. I guess you've already found out about our class assembly being about the 1970s and that we are singing ABC by the Jackson 5! We also talked about a girl that used to go to Whitehall Junior School in the 1970s called Christina. We acted out her life story. Vishali played the adult version of Christina and Shekina played the child version of Christina. I think our assembly was VERY fascinating.

By: Jordan.

Monday 9th May 2011

Dear log,

At the weekend my mum and dad went on holiday. I stayed at my nan's. It was really fun. We had KFC for dinner. For lunch we made a roll. It was really nice. Me and Nan thought it was yummy.

By: Laura

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Dear log,

I really enjoy swimming because I have moved up to advanced from improvers. The people in my new group are Lauren, Amar, Brooke, Codie and Lucy. It was quite hard to swim.

By: Lianne

Wednesday 11th May 2011

Dear log,

Today in literacy I sat next to my best friend Samir, we had fun learning together. At playtime we played YU-GI-OHs (a card game) my favourite. Me and Tom B worked together in the afternoon making posters about chocolate. Overall it was a fun day!

By: Marwarn

Thursday 12th May 2011

Dear log,
Today we had outdoor P.E. I was partners with Seif. The warm up was to run around the field and do starjumps. It was a very fun lesson. We learnt how to play football.
I had an amazing day today. I'm very happy it didn't rain for P.E.!

By: Amin