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Year 3

     Welcome Bees, Caterpillars, Dragonflies and Ladybirds!

Welcome to Year 3! We have an exciting term ahead and are very much looking forward to working with you during your first term of Year 3 and your first term at Whitehall Junior School! We have lots of fun learning planned and hope that you enjoy all that we have ahead of us.

As you move into the junior school, we have very high expectations of the behaviour we expect in our classrooms. We will all follow the school rules: ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ and model our school values: ‘Bravery, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Generosity and Excellence’ as well as always demonstrating beautiful manners. Good behaviour will be noticed, your name will be written on our recognition board and recognition time on a Friday afternoon will be filled with fun and exciting activities! Exemplary behaviour will be rewarded with a ‘Golden Ticket’ which will mean that you will be put into a raffle and have a chance of receiving a special reward with Mrs Moloi (the Headteacher!) We are looking forward to sharing your successes with you.

In English, we will be reading the fantastic novel 'Kindledrax' by Phillip Ridley. As well as this, we will be reading extracts from the classic text ‘Winnie the Pooh’ by A.A Milne. We will also be reading two shorter stories: ‘Ice Palace' and 'A Tune of Lies' as part of our Literacy and Language units. Through our English lessons, we will continue to develop our reading, writing and speaking and listening skills, building on your previous learning in Year 2.

In mathematics, we will learn about shape, measuring, data-handling and calculating. We will begin with a unit on place value, counting and partitioning, giving you the opportunity to revise and build upon your previous knowledge. The other units that we will cover are: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement and geometry and properties of shape. 

In science, we will learn all about plants; exploring the parts of a plant and identifying what plants need to grow.  After that, we will learn about the skeletal and muscular systems of the human body and what we need to stay healthy.

 The homework we expect for you to complete each week is:

- A minimum of 15 minutes reading to be recorded in planner (and signed) daily

- Times tables and number facts to be practised regularly at home for our weekly mental arithmetic test

- Weekly spellings issued on Monday and tested on Friday

-Weekly CGP Books: assigned Grammar, Punctuation and spelling task, Comprehension task and Mathematics task.

Don't forget there also weekend wonders you can complete with your family and optional extension activities that are also featured on our class page.

We are looking forward to working with you this year!

 Yours sincerely,

Mrs Beceiro, Mrs Norman, Miss Guernieri, Mx Spacey-Magean and Mr Keegal.

Year 3 Class teachers